Welcome to Dar Al Uloom University Recruitment System
Job Vacancies
1 Lecturer University Preparatory Program

Lecturer Vacancies - University Preparatory Program



  • Arabic language
  • Teaching English
  • Computer Science



  •  Bachelor and Master degree in the same specialty.


Job Description:

Lecturer is responsible for teaching, student advising, creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Lecturer (in this job description) must hold Master dgree.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A Lecturer should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.


2 Lecturer College of Architectural Engineering

Lecturer Vacancies - College of Architectural Engineering & Graphic Design



  • Architectural Engineering
  • Interior Design
  • Graphic Design



  •  Bachelor and Master degree in the same specialty.


Job Description:

Lecturer is responsible for teaching, student advising, creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Lecturer (in this job description) must hold Master dgree.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A Lecturer should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.


3 Teaching Assistant College of Architectural Engineering

Teaching Assistant Vacancies - College of Architectural Engineering & Graphic Design



  • Architectural Engineering
  • Interior Design
  • Graphic design


  •  Bachelor degree in the same specialty.


Job Description:

Teaching Assistant is responsible for teaching, student advising, creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Teaching Assistant (in this job description) must hold Master dgree.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A Teaching Assistant should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.


4 Coordinator University Administration



منسق إداري

المدير المباشر:

عميد الكلية ، أو مدير الإدارة

نوع التعاقد:

دوام كامل الوقت

 ملخص الوظيفة :

تتمثل المسؤولية الرئيسية لوظيفة المنسق الإداري في المهام التالية :

أولا : ربط وتنظيم ومتابعة الأنشطة والإجراءات الإدارية بين مكونات الكلية أو الإدارة التي يعمل بها (إدارة الكلية . أعضاء هيئة التدريس . الطلاب).

ثانيا : ربط وتنظيم ومتابعة الإجراءات الإدارية بين الكلية أو الإدارة وغيرها من الإدارات ذات العلاقة (إدارة الموارد البشرية ، إدارة الشؤون المالية ، إدارة تقنية المعلومات ، إدارة العلاقات والإعلام ، الإدارة العليا للجامعة)

ثالثا : التوثيق والأرشفة لجميع الوثائق والإجراءات ، وضمان مطابقتها للأنظمة واللوائح .

 تفاصيل الوظيفة:

تنسيق الأنشطة والإجراءات داخل الكلية :

  • إدارة وتحديث وتوثيق جميع الوثائق وجميع الإجراءات لدى العمادة أو الإدارة .
  • إعداد وتوزيع أوراق عمل ومحاضر الاجتماعات لجميع الاجتماعات على مستوى العمادة أو الإدارة ، وتنسيق ومتابعة روزنامة المواعيد .
  • التنسيق والإعداد لزيارات الوزارة وجميع الزيارات الداخلية والخارجية للكلية أو الإدارة والتأكد من أن جميع الوثائق المطلوبة خلال الزيارة جاهزة قبل الزيارة .
  • حفظ وتوثيق وثائق وسجلات معلومات أعضاء هيئة التدريس بدوام كامل وبدوام جزئي (نماذج التوظيف، الشهادات العلمية المصدقة، الهوية ، السير الذاتية ، ورقم الحساب البنكي) إلخ
  • جمع جميع مظاريف الامتحانات النهائية والفصلية والتحقق ومطابقة البيانات التفصيلية الخارجية للمغلفات قبل تقديمها .
  • توزيع أدوات العمل الأكاديمي والإداري على منسوبي الكلية أو الإدارة .

القبول والتسجيل :

  • إدارة متطلبات تسجيل الطلبة في الكلية
  • إدارة حالات النقل إلى الكلية واستكمال النماذج ، وتقييم سجلات الدرجات ومتابعة إجراءات المعادلات وفق متطلبات الجامعة.
  • تحديث الجداول الدراسية
  • إعلام الطلاب بحالات الإنذار وحالات الإكمال وحالات الحرمان وغيرها من القرارات ومتابعة ذلك مع اللجان المعنية .
  • إدارة حضور وغياب الطلاب ومتابعة الإجراءات المتعلقة .

الإدارات ذات العلاقة :

  • التنسيق بين إدارته وإدارة الموارد البشرية في كل ما يتعلق بمنسوبي إدارته في حالات ( طلبات الإجازات . طلبات التعريف . طلبات شؤون الموظفين من جوازات وإقامات وتأشيرات وخلافه . طلبات الحجوزات . طلبات التأمين الطبي . طلبات إخلاء الطرف . طلبات الرواتب والتصفيات والمكافآت والخصومات وخلافه ) وفق المواعيد التي تحدد لذلك .
  • التنسيق بين إدارته وإدارة تقنية المعلومات في كل ما يتعلق بها أو بمنسوبيها أو طلابها .
  • التنسيق بين إدارته وإدارة العلاقات والإعلام في كل ما يتعلق بأنشطة وفعاليات إدارته وطلاب كليته .
  • التنسيق بين إدارته وإدارة الجامعة .

 المهارات والخبرة المطلوبة :

  • إجادة تامة للغتين العربية والإنجليزية
  • إجادة استخدام برامج الحاسب الآلي
  • مهارات الاتصال والتواصل مع الآخرين
  • الإدارة الفعالة والمهارات التنظيمية
  • القدرة على العمل بشكل مستقل وكعضو فعال ضمن فريق العمل

المؤهلات المطلوبة :

  • درجة البكالوريوس في الإدارة، إدارة الأعمال أو ما يعادلها (اعتمادا على الكلية أو الادارة)
  • خبرة العمل بحد أدني سنتان.

Administrative Coordinator


College Dean or Department Head

Line Manager:

Full Time 

Employment Type:

Position Summary:

The main responsibility of the of Administrative Coordinator is to:

First: To link and organize and follow up the activities and administrative procedures between the components of the college or the department in which he works (faculty administration, faculty members, students).

Second: Linking, organizing and following up the administrative procedures between the college or and other relevant departments (human resources department, finance department, information technology department, relations and information department, senior management of the university).

Third: Documentation and archiving of all documents and procedures and ensure compliance with regulations and regulations.

 Position Details:

Coordination of activities and procedures within the college:

  • Managing and updating all documents in the Deanship office or Department
  • Preparing minutes of meetings for all college or department level meetings
  • Coordinating and preparing for Ministry visits and ensuring that all documents required during the visit are ready prior to the visit
  • Maintaining all records of the full-time and part-time faculty (employment forms, attested degree certificates, Iqama, IBAN)
  • Collecting all mid-term and final exam envelopes within the college and checking the envelope external details before submission
  • Responsible for the distribution of stationery to all faculty or employee within the college, department

Admission and Registration:

  • Managing the registration requirements of the students within the college
  • Managing the transfer cases by completing the transfer form, evaluating transcripts and completing the course evaluation and wave-off procedures.
  • Updating the schedules
  • Informing the students regarding DN and IC exams by sending messages to the students
  • Managing student attendance and related issues 

Related departments:

  • Coordinating between his college/department and human resources management in all matters relating to his administrative staff in the cases of (applications for vacations, applications for identification, requests for personnel from passports, residence, visas, etc .. booking requests, medical insurance applications, vacations requests, Which is determined accordingly.
  • Coordination between his college/department and Information Technology Department in all matters related to the related employees or students.
  • Coordination between his college/department  and Relations and Media Department in all matters related to the activities and activities of the college/department and related students.
  • Coordination between his college/department the university administration.

Skills and experience required:

  • Fluent in both Arabic and English
  • Good computer Skills
  • Good Communication skills
  • Effective management and organizational skills
  • Ability to work independently and as a member of team

Qualification Requirements:

Academic Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in management, business or equivalent (depending on the college or department)

Work Experience: Minimum 2 years working experience (field as required by the college)

5 Dental Assistant College of Dentistry


Dental Assistant





Employment Type:

Full Time


Job Description: 

Prepares the patient / clinic for the treatment, assists the consultants / Specialist / Dentists / Students in performing their treatment on patients in all fields of dentistry including restorative, periodontics, endodontics, prosthetic  and oral surgery. The dental assistants prepare materials and equipment for treatment and have them ready for use. She / He should be able to take X – Rays when needed. May perform other related work to include, but not limited to, arranging appointments, contact patients, preparing the needed supplies. 


Qualifications,Experience Required:

• Should be able to register with Saudi Commission For Health Specialities as a Dental Nurse.

• Dental Assistant qualification or equivalent. (Dentist graduation or dental nursing


• Can be medical nurse with dental experience

• Minimum experience required is 3 years working in a dental specialty.


Other Requirements:

• Registered as a dentist or dental assistant in the home country.(Applicants with Philippine Dental License shall be preferred).

• Good communication skills

• Planning and organizing ability;

• Have a comprehensive knowledge of dental assisting techniques and procedures for all phases of general dentistry

• Be familiar with the current knowledge of modern dental materials, their storage, and handling and applications is required.

• Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation  CPR Certificate


Priority for employment:

Saudi Nationality.

6 Department Chair College of Pharmacy and Applied Medical Sciences

Job title

Department Chair : Respiratory Therapy, Nursing

Reports to

Dean /Vice-Dean




Job purpose

Department Chair is responsible for the academic, educational, research and administrative affairs in the academic department. Assignments have included responsibility for such activities as recruitment, evaluation and supervision of academic and support staff, faculty and staff  orientation; curriculum development and implementation; student advising; budget development and administration; and department continuity and administrative support functions. A candidate for the position of Department Chair must hold Full-time faculty status and at least the rank of assistant professor at the time of appointment


Duties and responsibilities

  • Oversees the academic, educational, and administrative affairs in the department.
  • Developing the annual plan for the department.
  • Coordinates the involvement of faculty in their regular advisement responsibilities and insures an effective and ongoing student advisement program in the department
  • Supervise the functioning of educational, academic and exams processes in the department.
  • Oversees and tracks the performance of faculty members and their commitment to their hours of teaching and office hours and their academic advising.
  • Coordinates recruitment of faculty in accordance with Affirmative Action Plan and other applicable University policies or procedures.
  • Ensures that new faculty are oriented to the objectives of the basic instructional mission of DAU.
  • Encourages the faculty to expand their professional development relative to their disciplines, interpersonal relations with students and colleagues and interactions within the department.
  • Prepare Annual Program Report.
  • Encourages faculty to engage in scholarly and creative research and pursue excellence in teaching and community participation.
  • Articulates the needs, problems and views of the faculty to college and University administrative levels.
  • Evaluates and measures the level of performance and achievement in the department and developing the improvement plans.
  • Works on quality control and compliance to Academic Accreditation (NCAAA).
  • Develops and evaluates curricular programs and plans, and implements the department's undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Responsible to achieve the academic accreditation for the program from NCAAA and international bodies.




Qualifications include:

  • Education: Master's/ Ph.D. related to Department disciplines.
  • Specialized knowledge: supervisory Development experience in education sector.


Skills & Abilities:


  • leadership and management/supervisory experience. Demonstrated success in monitoring the required resources for the department. Demonstrated commitment to increasing the diversity of faculty, staff, and students through recruitment, retention, and development of talented individuals. The ability to develop and implement strategic and tactical plans.
  • Ability to foster collaborative efforts by building partnerships with national and/or international constituencies. Demonstrated fiscal responsibility and ability to manage budgets. Ability to maintain and develop strong undergraduate and professional programs, including maintaining NCAAA accreditation. Experience managing research and graduate programs. Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain a collaborative work environment. The ability to articulate a clear vision for the future of the department.

Professional Certification:

  •  Certificate from a recognized bodies in his field


  •  work experience in higher education. Having experience working in areas that are closely related to Department and supervisory experience.
  • Administrative experience needed. Excellent written and verbal communication skills; strong interpersonal, organizational, and leadership ability. Excellent leadership skills, customer/student relation skills and computer skills are a plus. Experience with the development and revision of nursing curriculum.








7 Faculty Member CPAMS College of Pharmacy and Applied Medical Sciences


Job title

Faculty Member : Respiratory Therapy, Nursing 

Reports to

Department Chair


Job purpose

Faculty Member is responsible for teaching, student advising, research and creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Faculty Member (in this job description) must hold Full-time faculty status and at least the rank of assistant professor at the time of appointment.


Duties and responsibilities

  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program. 
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A faculty member should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Couse file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.



Qualifications include:

  • Education: Master’s/Ph.D. related to Department disciplines.
  • Specialized knowledge: Teaching Strategy, Research, Assessment Tools, Learning outcome Assessments
  • Skills: Classroom management/supervisory experience, Academic Advising, Proven record of ability to supervise academic work by undergraduates and masters students. Assessment of student work. Curriculum design. Commitment to continuous professional development.
  • Abilities: Proven record of ability to manage time and work to strict deadlines. Ability to follow quality assurance requirements including maintaining NCAAA accreditation. Proven record of ability to conduct high quality research. Ability to work collaboratively
  • Other characteristics such as personal characteristics: Excellent interpersonal, oral/written communication skills, and presentation skills. Commitment to high quality teaching and fostering a positive learning environment for students.
  • Professional Certification: Certificate from a recognized bodies in his field
  • Experience: A minimum of 2 (2) years’ work experience in higher education. Having experience working in teaching and learning.


Working conditions

Faculty Member should be available in DAU campus form 08:00 am to 04:00 pm, Follow an open-door policy and office hours policy.  Commitment laws and regulations for work at of Dar Al Uloom University. For Faculty who are teaching master students at night, they should follow the instructions of department chair (should be available for 8 hours / day)

Physical requirements

If the job is physically demanding, this should be stated in the job description. A physically demanding job is one where the incumbent is required to stand for extended periods.

Direct reports

Faculty Member will report directly to the department chair.




8 Faculty Member COM College of Medicine

Faculty Members Vacancies - College of Medicine



Academic Rank


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor


Associate Professor

Associate Professor


Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor



Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Clinical Psychology

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Diagnostic Radiology

Assistant Professor

General Surgery

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor


Associate Professor

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Health Informatics

Assistant Professor


Medical Education

Assistant Professor


Internal Medicine

Associate Professor

Skills Lab





Job Description:

Faculty Member is responsible for teaching, student advising, research and creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Faculty Member (in this job description) must hold Full-time faculty status and at least the degree should be as indicated in the previous table at the time of appointment.


  • Ph.D. Degree related to Department disciplines (For Assistant Professor – Associate Professor – Professor)
  • Master Degree related to Department disciplines (For Lecturers)

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A faculty member should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.

9 Faculty Member CDT College of Dentistry

Faculty Members Vacancies - College of Dentistry



Maxillofacial radiologist


Operative Dentist


Oral and maxillofacial surgeon


Removable Prosthodontist

Fixed Prosthodontist




Job purpose


Faculty Member is responsible for teaching, student advising, research, creative activities and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average. A candidate for the position of Faculty Member must hold Full-time faculty status and at least the rank of assistant professor at the time of appointment.


Duties and responsibilities


  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instructions which facilitate learning process and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Schedule, supervise, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program. 
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting.




Qualifications include:

  • Education: Ph.D. or Board Certified related to specialty.
  • Specialized knowledge: Teaching Strategy, Research, Assessment Tools, Learning outcome Assessments
  • Personal characteristics: Excellent interpersonal, oral/written communication skills, and presentation skills. Commitment to high quality teaching and fostering a positive learning environment for students.
  • Experience: A minimum of two (2) years’ work experience in higher education.


Working conditions                                                 


Faculty Member should be available in DAU campus form 08:00 am to 04:00 pm.  Commitment to laws and regulations to work at Dar Al Uloom University is must.


10 Faculty Member CADD College of Architectural Engineering

Faculty Members Vacancies - College of Architectural Engineering & Graphic Design



  • Architectural Engineering
  • Graphic Design
  • Interior design


Job Description:

Faculty Member is responsible for teaching, student advising, research and creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Faculty Member (in this job description) must hold Full-time faculty status and at least Assistant Professors at the time of appointment.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A faculty member should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.

11 Faculty Member LAW College of Law

Faculty Members Vacancies - College of Law


  • Public Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Commercial Law
  • International Law



Job Description:

Faculty Member is responsible for teaching, student advising, research and creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Faculty Member (in this job description) must hold Full-time faculty status and at least Assistant Professors at the time of appointment.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A faculty member should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.

12 Faculty Member COB College of Business Administration

Faculty Members Vacancies - College of Business


  • Finance & Banking
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Accounting
  • Economics



Job Description:

Faculty Member is responsible for teaching, student advising, research and creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. Meeting the essential duties and responsibilities of this position is expected to require at least 40 hours a week on average Much of faculty work occurs at designated times each week (such as classes, office hours, quality assurance requirements, meetings, etc.). A candidate for the position of Faculty Member (in this job description) must hold Full-time faculty status and at least Assistant Professors at the time of appointment.


Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Develop course content, curriculum and presentations.
  • Provide effective instruction which facilitate learning process by adopting effective instruction, and conducting continuous evaluations of students based on course topics and assessment tools.
  • Participate in developing program learning outcomes and share the process of learning assessment at program level.
  • Mapping course-learning outcome to program learning outcome and participate in evaluation process that include choosing and administering measures, evaluating student performance, and suggesting changes to improve student learning.
  • Assign grades, maintain course/student records in accordance with DAU regulations, and submit grades and records by established deadlines.
  • Developing program curriculum, standards, and policies, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate with other faculty and administrators.
  • Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, field experience, and similar settings as appropriate for the course or program.
  • Provide communication channels with the students via email, phone, or personal meeting. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to supervisors and to students through the course syllabus each semester.
  • Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings where appropriate or as required by supervisor.
  • Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times. A faculty member should inform the supervisor if he or she is unable to meet a class on time.
  • Remain current in academic or program discipline, including maintaining licensure, certification, or continuing education requirements where appropriate.
  • Self-enhancement in technological or pedagogical advances that promote student learning.
  • Help college to develop professional development activities.
  • Advise the students to identify and achieve their educational goals.
  • Participate in orientation program for new faculty.
  • Prepare Course file at the end of each semester with high quality.
  • Commitment to quality standards and participating in accreditation activities
  • Perform other academically related duties as assigned by Department Chair.

13 Medical College - Nursing College of Medicine


Medical college - Nursing


Job Summary:  

Provide skilled nursing care within a multidisciplinary environment, to ensure compassionate, safe and effective patient care. Manages individualized, goal-directed nursing care through use of the nursing process in accordance with departmental policies and procedures.


Principal Duties:

  • Provide direct care to assigned patients.
  • Take the nursing history, summaries data, and state nursing diagnoses/patient care needs.
  • Observe and record signs, symptoms, and behaviors, including the physiological status of patients.
  •  Present the assessment of changes, the proposed revision of interventions, and desired outcomes.
  • Deliver designated nursing interventions to assigned patients that are consistent with the stated medical plan of care.
  • Execute physician's orders for all assigned patients; safely and properly administers medications and treatments.
  • Notify appropriate nursing and medical staff to changes in the patient's status.
  • Perform techniques and routines in the specialty service area.
  • Document nursing care in all assigned patient records.
  • Maintain patient's privacy and confidentiality of information and records at all times.
  • Evaluate care given including the patient response.

Experience required:

  • Minimum of 2 years.

Other Requirements:       

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
  • Valid Saudi Council.
  • Valid BLS.

14 Quality and Accreditation Specialist Quality Assurance

Position Summary :

The Coordinator for Quality Assurance and Accreditation is responsible for share the process of developing and guiding the implementation DAU’s quality framework, coordinating its local and international accreditation as well as facilitating internal and external quality audits and continuous improvement across the colleges and administrative departments. Working closely with the Director of Quality, he/she will play a key role in establishing mechanisms for evidence-based reporting of quality assurance practices at DAU and for benchmarking with similar institutions in the KSA and elsewhere in the region.


Position Details :

Ensuring compliance with the accreditation and quality management standards

Ensuring and maintaining DAU’s institutional and programmatic compliance with all policies, procedures, and practices as well as recognized management systems and certifications as appropriate.

Ensuring review and assessment of quality practices through regular value-added internal audits of the academic and administrative processes.

Initiating and overseeing quality improvement projects and assessing their impact on the performance of DAU’s colleges and support departments.

Preparing quality review and improvement reports addressing areas of strengths and improvement and following up on actions taken to improve performance.

Assisting with promoting a culture of quality and continuous improvement through best practice studies, guidelines, focus group discussions, conferences, and workshops. 

Assisting with conducting various capacity building programs to create awareness on DAU’s quality framework and related tools and practices

Assisting with Designing and delivering quality assurance competency building programs and measuring their impact on faculty staff performance and work processes.

Assisting with developing DAU strategic plan. 

Overseeing the development and implementation of DAU’s governing policies and procedures and ensuring their continual review and improvement.

Facilitating the implementation DAU’s governance system and assessing its impact on the university’s decision-making, accountability and effective functioning of its various councils and committees.

Planning and facilitation of the university’s institutional and programmatic accreditation processes.

Facilitating understanding of the requirements provided by the ETEC-NCAAA and other international accreditation organizations.

Developing various tools and guidelines to facilitate gathering of information and evidence of practice.

Facilitating institutional and program level self-evaluations in accordance with NCAAA standards and key performance indicators.

Coordinating external reviews and assessments for the accreditation visit.

Supporting colleges in preparing program-related documentation including program performance reports and reviewing evidence of practice in line with the Standards and accreditation requirements, and

Assisting with planning, organizing, and finalizing the self-study report and related data and evidence for submission to the NCAAA or other accrediting international.

Assisting with Conducting benchmarking of DAU’s colleges practices against similar organizations in the KSA and elsewhere in the world

Plans, develops and facilitates quality improvement projects with the quality assurance representatives and document their experiences.

Supports the quality assurance representatives in ensuring compliance with quality standards and sustaining improvement of the work processes

Prepares various review and assessment reports covering quality and accreditation activities

Prepare monthly and Annual report about QAAU performance and achievement for Director of Quality.

Perform any task assigned to him from Director of Quality regarding to Quality Matters


Skills and Competencies Required :

The position demands the following skills and competencies:

Demonstrable skills and experience in implementing quality assurance systems and programs

Demonstrable skills and experience with the NCAAA accreditation standards, evidence gathering and the preparation of self-study reports

Excellent analytical skills 

An ability to communicate at all levels to solve problems, facilitate change and achieve desired outcomes

Experience in developing and delivering training programs.

An ability to attend to multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines.

Experience with institutional assessment and effectiveness.

Excellent report writing and presentation skills in both English and Arabic languages.

Effective management and organizational skills, and

Ability to work independently and in teams

Shows flexibility in coping with multiple and changing priorities.

Accepts changes in job role in a positive manner.


Qualification Requirements :

Academic Qualification: At Minimum, A Master’s degree in quality, business administration or equivalent.

Work Experience: Minimum 5 years working experience in higher education quality assurance and accreditation fields.

Professional Qualifications: A professional certificate in the areas of quality assurance and continuous improvement especially NCAAA workshops, etc.

15 Printing and materials lab technician College of Architectural Engineering

Technician in dealing with printers and laboratory equipment.
Bachelor of Architecture or Bachelor of Industrial Engineering or Diploma in Architecture with specialized courses.
  • Handling materials used in printing.
  • Use of computer design programs and apps.
  • Supervising printing processes and products that can be manufactured by graphic and design laboratory presses
  • Evaluating the desires and requests of beneficiaries of the laboratory to ensure their compliance with printing specifications
  • Providing inputs and factors that help facilitate the printing process
  • Taking care of the cleanliness of the laboratory’s printers, following up on their maintenance, and solving all technical problems that may arise
  • Assistance in designing and printing various forms
  • The work requires other tasks related to developing the production process.

16 Dental X-ray Technician College of Dentistry

Job purpose


Perform different x-ray taking procedures and provides technical assistance to students and faculty by demonstrating procedures for taking different dental x-rays.


Duties and responsibilities


  • Performs all routine intraoral radiographic procedures.
  • Takes panoramic and occlusal radiographs.
  • Performs all radiograph developing technical procedures in case they are needed.
  • Sorts and accurately mounts intraoral films.
  • Ensures patient x-rays are saved and available in the digital system.
  • Demonstrates to students and faculty the proper use of x-ray equipment.
  • Assists faculty in supervision of student
  • Performs scheduled equipment cleaning and maintenance procedures and report any malfunctions on a timely basis.
  • Complies with radiation health and safety procedures and infection control procedures.


Qualifications, Knowledge, Skills and experience required


Essential Criteria


ü  Dental Assistant qualification or equivalent

ü  Special training in dental radiology

ü  Can be medical nurse with dental experience in radiology

ü  Minimum experience required is 3 years working in dental field;



Desirable Criteria


  • Good communication skills;
  • Planning and organizing ability;
  • Computer literacy;
  • Good interpersonal skills.
  • Have a comprehensive knowledge of dental x-ray procedures


17 Dental Technician College of Dentistry

Job purpose


This duties of this position includes the installation of new equipment – i.e. dental chairs and x ray units, repair and documentation of dental equipment and installations of new equipment. The equipment this role relates to includes dental chairs, X Ray units (including 3D X-rays), sterilization systems, Intra oral cameras, Cad cams machines, Hand Pieces.


Duties and responsibilities


  • Maintain accountability for spare parts assigned to position, by keeping records of your spare parts in/out.
  • Install computer software as relates to networked dental equipment.
  • Maintain minimum level of spare parts in the college stores to minimize time.
  • Liaise with administration officer in relation to quotes - provide all relevant information to administration to ensure effective follow up with the related department.
  • Complete documentation related to each individual repair with equipment assessment, including spare parts orders.
  • Occasionally contact users to discuss their equipment usage and maintenance issues.
  • Keep records of maintenance, repair, and required updates of all dental, central Sterilization and Central suction & Compressor equipment’s.
  • Disassemble malfunctioning equipment and remove, repair and replace defective parts.
  • Perform Daily Checks, preventive maintenance; cleaning, lubricating and adjusting equipment.
  • Inspect and test malfunctioning dental equipment, using test and analysis instruments.
  • Explain and demonstrate correct operation and preventive maintenance of medical equipment to staff.


Qualifications, Knowledge, skills and experience required


DAE in Electrical/Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering;

Industry factory based training highly desirable;

Knowledge of plumbing, mechanics, electronics and electrical motors;

Expertise in Bio-Med/electronics;

Minimum experience required is 3 years working in dental field;

Good communication skills;

Planning and organizing ability;

Computer literacy;

Good interpersonal skills.



Working conditions


The standard working week is 48 hours. These hours can be worked in a variety of ways, usually

depending on the role,


Physical requirements


The job duties require an employee to be absent of any physical limitation which would

impair effective performance.


Direct reports


List by job title any positions to be supervised by the incumbent.